Heart Screening
At Decatur County Memorial Hospital, we offer Heart Screenings that are noninvasive, painless, and fast.
Detect issues early, discuss results with a cardiologist, and explore personalized treatment plans, including lifestyle changes and medications, to keep your heart healthy.
Undiagnosed and untreated heart and artery diseases can increase your risk for heart attack and stroke.
Don’t wait—take control of your heart health today.
Heart Screenings are Recommended if You Meet Any of the Following Criteria:
- Women: 55 or older
- Men: 45 or older
- Diagnosed with high cholesterol
- Diagnosed with high blood pressure
- Family history of heart disease
- Inactive or stressful lifestyle
- Individuals with a high BMI
- Smoke or are exposed to second-hand smoke
Heart Screenings are not for Everyone:
- Known coronary artery disease
- Pacemaker or stent
- Pregnant
- Resting heart rate above 90-95 beats per minute
For a comprehensive approach to your heart health, call 812-663-1157 today to schedule your $49 heart screening.
This heart screening is self-pay and payment is due at the time of the procedure.